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4.4 ( 9984 ratings )
Produttività Navigazione
Sviluppatore GeoCrew

Today’s mobile mapping platforms commonly rely on proprietary, off-site, pay-as-you-go platforms and technologies – making it hard for both corporate environments and individuals capturing their own, in-house georeferenced imagery datasets. This does not pose only security concerns, but also involves unnecessary costs and expensive data plans. Moreover, with GeoView it’s you who decide which data to capture, how, where and when.

GeoView Mobile app helps users capture and share georeferenced imagery in the field using your iPhone or iPad. Mobile application records and uploads captured recordings to running GeoView Server instance once on-line, enabling you to share captured data with your friends and colleagues or analyse driving, cycling, or walking routes using the statistics recorded with each photo. Once uploaded to GeoView server, data is immediately available for publishing and consuming via GeoView Web Client and GeoView Desktop platforms.